SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 23 Out of resources when opening file '/tmp/#sql_5c10_0.MYD' (Errcode: 24)
首先检查系统中是否已经安装了MySQL:sudo netstat -tap | grep mysql
安装Mysql:sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client
测试安装是否成功:sudo netstat -tap | grep mysql
启动MySQL服务: sudo start mysql
停止MySQL服务: sudo stop mysql
修改 MySQL 的管理员密码: sudo mysqladmin -u root password newpassword
听需要修改 my.cnf 文件:):
sudo vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf
bind-address = //找到此内容并且注释
MySQL安装后的目录结构分析(此结构只针对于使用apt-get install 在线安装情况):
数据库存放目录: /var/lib/mysql/
相关配置文件存放目录: /usr/share/mysql
相关命令存放目录: /usr/bin(mysqladmin mysqldump等命令)
启动脚步存放目录: /etc/rc.d/init.d/
查看当前打开了多少个文件描述符:lsof -u mysql|wc -l
因为数据库链接不了,所以只能通过系统查看他的文件描述符(31311可以通过sudo netstat -tap | grep mysql查看)
root@localhost:~# cat /proc/31311/limits
This likely means that you’ve reached the open files limit for MySQL. Check to see how many open files:
sudo -u mysql bash ulimit -a | grep open
You’ll likely see something such as this:
bash-4.1$ ulimit -a | grep open open files (-n) 2048
If that’s the case, exit that user’s login:
Now, add the following to /etc/security/limits.conf:
echo -e "mysql soft nofile 10000nmysql hard nofile 20000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
Check it added the lines to the file:
cat /etc/security/limits.conf
At that point, log back in as the user and check open files limit again:
sudo -u mysql bash ulimit -a | grep open
Exit again and now also increase the limit in /etc/mysql/my.cnf(linux版本是my.cnf,一般会放在/etc/my.cnf,/etc/mysql/my.cnf)by editing the file to include this line under the [mysqld] section:
Restart MySQL and check it has updated:
/etc/init.d/mysql restart mysqladmin var | grep open_files_limit
If that doesn’t work, it might be disk space itself, although that error is typically a different one when /tmp has run out of space. You should check the size of /tmp when the error is occurring:
df -kh | grep /tmp